Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Most Valuable Thing

Hmmmm... My most valuable thing... Would probably be my desktop computer & 19" wide LCD Monitor. Well, actually I have more than one valuable things like my sony cybershot digital camera with 7.2 megapixels. An iPod nano 8GB & sony network walkman 2GB. A cellphone with 3.2 megapixels of built-in camera & face recognition & VGA display (though I can't use it here in the Philippines because they can't open-line it yet). I value these things a lot since I worked hard to buy them with my own money (yeah my OWN money!). I know it's kind of hard to believe since I'm a student but when I was in Japan I worked there after I graduated from Junior High School. I worked for like two and a half years totally at Sony Corporation (yeah that Sony you know! cool huh!?). So that's kind of how I got my money to buy these things. Though my salary wasn't all mine cause I had to donate most of it to my parents (for some reason).

You may wonder how old I am now but let's just keep it a secret... But if you really really want to know come and ask me personally..! Hahaha. About these valuable things of mine, i'd probably die without them... Well, not literally die but I would die inside... If you know what I mean... Though I can always replace them with better ones in the future when I get back to Japan, I'd have to work and earn money first before I'd be able to buy! Though it's kind of exhausting working in Japan especially in a huge company like Sony with all those annoying Japanese on your back watching every single thing you do, it's still worth it cause you get a lot of money & it's also fun working with different people from various countries. So you learn a lot of things.

It's really hard for me to pick only one of my valuable things cause I have a lot, so please forgive me if I broke the rules about writing only one.... +_+ I guess that's pretty much about it..! Thanks for reading about my Valuable Thing(s) & my incredible life. Domo Arigatou...! (^_^)//////

Monday, July 23, 2007

Prelim Experience

Well, If I said that I have nothing much to say about my prelim experiences here in UIC, that would be a lie. Because I've really had lots of good experiences..! (I guess...) And because of the fact that I was a transferee from Ateneo College, the best school in whole Davao, or so they say, I really didn't expect much about this school UIC. But as I stayed longer, I was proven wrong. Though UIC is nothing compared to the kind of facilities that Ateneo have, the quality of the education in this school is great. They have good teachers & kind staffs, and other good things that you cannot find in Ateneo. I've also made a lot of friends that is equal to the kind of being that I am. And everything is just great in this school. I'm so looking forward to another great experience in this prestigious school this midterm.

For The Love

What's up everyone..! Welcome to my very first blog! Though I really had a hard time thinking of what I would name the blog, I came up with the idea of naming it "For The Love Of Gadgets", because I really have this intimate feelings for gadgets & computer stuffs that I can't stop thinking about it..! (As if it's human. LOL) I've always been a gadget & computer geek since I was in High School. So I really think this title fits & describes my personality.

The main reason why I'm making this blog is because it is one of our activities in our subject Computer Applications. Though I've heard a lot about blogging, I haven't really got to the point where I actually made one myself. So this is gonna be my first blog, and I know that it's not going to be that good compared to other blogs out there, but i still hope that everyone will like it.

That's all folks..! Domo Arigatou..! (^-^)////